Supporting Businesses in Bahrain: LMRA Introduces a 6-Month Work Permit Option for Expatriate Workers Already Residing in Bahrain

– Adds to the existing options of one- or two-year work permits.

– Provides business owners with trial options to benefit from the existing workforce in Bahrain.

– Enhances opportunities for success and growth while reducing operational costs for businesses.

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has announced the introduction of a 6-month work permit option specifically for expatriate workers already residing in the Kingdom of Bahrain and working in the commercial sector. This initiative aims to facilitate business operations and respond to market suggestions and needs, adding to the existing one- and two-year permit options.

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LMRA Facilitates the Issuance of IBANs for All Expatriate Employees Entering Bahrain

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), in coordination with the Central Bank of Bahrain and in collaboration with the private sector, announced that it has begun facilitating the issuance of an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for every incoming expatriate employee in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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Pre-employment health checks for expatriates privatized

PRIVATISATION of pre-employment medical tests for newly-hired expatriates in Bahrain is expected to bring down Health Ministry’s spending in this sector by more than 50 per cent. It will now have to spend only BD20 per employee for standard medical services, compared with the BD50 earlier, according to officials. Continue reading

Flexible work permit launched

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) launched the flexible work permit in a ceremony held at its Sitra branch yesterday.

The flexible work permit, issued for a period of two years, would enable an Individual to be his/her own sponsor. The permit holder would be free to work anywhere at his choice except in restaurants, salons and hotels, and would be entitled to service at all the Government health centres and hospitals. Continue reading

Bahrain’s anti-human trafficking efforts welcomed

The United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain, William Roebuck, praised Bahrain’s efforts to combat trafcking in persons, as well as the development of legal and legislative system aimed at safeguarding the rights of labour. Continue reading

New-look LMRA offices opened

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) opened its new-look customer-service offices at the Bahrain international Airport. LMRA Chief Executive Officer Ausamah bin Abdulla Al-Absi inaugurated the offices , which underwent extension works to fast-track procedures and ensure the smooth entry flow. Continue reading