Phase III of Wages Protection System (WPS) Commences Including every employer/CR with 1-49 Workers .. AlAlawi: Success of Phases I & II is an outcome of all parties’ collaboration

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) H.E. Mr. Jamal Abdulaziz AlAlawi hailed the employers’ ongoing commitment and positive participation in the Wages Protection System (WPS), which has greatly contributed to eliminating the phenomenon of delayed salary payment, reducing labour disputes and guaranteeing workers’ rights with full transparency, in addition to safeguarding the rights of employers and proving their compliance with completing salary payments, thus preventing complaints & grievances. LMRA statistics have indicated that all of employers (CRS with 500+ workers) completing salary payments, along with 88% of employers (CRS with 50-499 workers) since joining the system initiative. Continue reading