The final word…
Can Labour Market Regulatory Authority please give a definite answer to the following? Continue reading
Category Archives: Gulf Daily News
Hold on there..!
Hold on there..!
This refers to ‘What about loyalty’ (GDN, December 6). On an Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) Radio programme on Radio Voice Bahrain 104.
Another amnesty?
There is talk in the town that Labour Market Regulatory Authority will once again be providing an ‘amnesty’ for illegal workers as was provided last year.
What about loyalty?
Posted on » Sunday, December 06, 2009
I am an avid listener of 104.2FM and I find their programmes very entertaining and informative.
LMRA blocked the company’s visas ?
Can somebody tell me, how long does it take for a family visa from LMRA.
Drive against human trafficking reviewed
LABOUR Minister Dr Majeed Al Alawi yesterday chaired the first co-ordination meeting at the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) headquarters in Sanabis.LMRA chief executive Ali Ahmed Radhi delivered an updated presentation on illegal workers, detailing efforts to combat this phenomenon, described as the “backbone of human trafficking”. Continue reading
Ban unskilled say unionists
BAHRAIN trade unionists have called for a ban on unskilled foreign workers being brought into the country, saying that is the only way to end labour exploitation Continue reading
By REBECCA TORR, Posted on » Wednesday, November 18, 2009
MANAMA: Change is in the air at the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), following the election of its new board on Monday. There are plans to be more proactive in lobbying parliament and the Shura Council on behalf of the private sector, as well as make it a more dynamic body more in tune with the younger business community Continue reading
Visa scam trial
TWO Bahrainis accused of forging and selling visas appeared before the High Criminal Court yesterday Continue reading
Workers trapped by spiteful bosses
AMONG the many new regulations framed by the labour authorities is that of an expatriate employee being able to change jobs without permission from his current employer, if they give their notice by registered post Continue reading