Posted on » Thursday, July 15, 2010
I read the letter ‘Business crippled by labour rules’. The employer seems to be a good man and I hope he hires good people. However, he has failed to understand the LMRA and expatriate mentality. Continue reading
Posted on » Thursday, July 15, 2010
I read the letter ‘Business crippled by labour rules’. The employer seems to be a good man and I hope he hires good people. However, he has failed to understand the LMRA and expatriate mentality. Continue reading
EXPATRIATE workers whose visas have been cancelled as part of a crackdown on companies that refuse to pay their labour fees will be offered a one-month grace period.
The Labour Ministry Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has begun annulling the status of staff employed by firms who decline to stump up the controversial BD10 fee.
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Visas for expatriate workers in Bahrain are being cancelled every hour due to the refusal of employers to pay the controversial BD10 ($26.50) labour fee, it has emerged.
Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) e-services and public relations manager Waheed Al Balushi was unable to say how many had been annulled but confirmed the process was underway.
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I read about the renewal of residence/work permits for expatriate staff who are above 60.
But I don’t find any of the criteria mentioned in the report being followed, ie, – the employee should have a minimum salary of BD1,000/; he should have an educational background, be medically fit, etc. Residence permits for expatriates above 60 are renewed just on application.
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This refers to ‘Job ban unfair’ (GDN, June 7) by Billy. I honestly feel that nobody understands Labour Market Regulatory Authori-ty’s goals in totality.
Historically, people have set up ghost companies and have virtually sold visas to people from poor countries at exorbitant amounts.
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LMRA gets tough
The LMRA board of Directors have ordered the implementation of strict processes for the expatriate workers whose Resident Permits have expired for more than 30 days, which are approximately 40,000 in number including their dependents. Continue reading