Give LMRA a chance to sort out the mess…

This refers to ‘Job ban unfair’ (GDN, June 7) by Billy. I honestly feel that nobody understands Labour Market Regulatory Authori-ty’s goals in totality.
Historically, people have set up ghost companies and have virtually sold visas to people from poor countries at exorbitant amounts.
What about their morals?
Do they care how these poor people will manage that amount? They have their own network and everything is well planned.
Also, by not allowing an expatriate worker to be free to join any other company is a slavery of sort.
Are you telling us that employers have never abused the law?
Haven’t they ever taken advantage of an expat by asking him to work long hours?
Most of the free visa cases have been reported in medium to small-sized companies.
And yet there are many companies that still insist on keeping employees’ passports.
Now, if you bring someone from abroad, pay him well and motivate him, why would he/she leave you.
I am sure nobody makes a decision to leave a company only for a BD50 difference.
But there is a collective of factors starting from hours of work, timely payment, medical and other costs. The bottom line is – if you don’t trust someone don’t hire.
I salute the mega corporate whose visionary Arab leaders have upheld human values above everything.
These are the people who are blessed by God and have sprawling empires.
I feel LMRA is a step in the right direction, they have been here for barely a year, give them some more time for their efforts and initiatives to bear fruits.
Smita Kharat