Last chance for ‘illegals’

By MANDEEP SINGH,  Posted on » Wednesday, April 01, 2009

EXPATRIATES who have failed to regularise their visas due to a backlog of cases at the Health Ministry will be given one last chance to become legal, officials have declared.

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) chief executive Ali Radhi said officials had received hundreds of calls from people saying they were given appointments for medical examinations weeks after the expiry of yesterday’s government deadline. Continue reading

Isa Al Shaiji praises the efforts of LMRA


Isa Al Shaiji during his official tour in LMRA

Isa Al Shaiji during his official tour in LMRA

Chairman of Bahrain Association of Journalists Mr. Isa Al Shaiji praised the efforts done by the LMRA to regulate the labour market in Bahrain and clean-up the market from negative practices.

LMRA has organized a dedicated workshop for Journalists on Thursday 26th March to understand the figures of Labour Market Indicators which are issued by LMRA quarterly. Continue reading

LMRA’s website wins Bahrain eContent Award 09

Chairman of LMRA recieves the award from the Deputy Prime Minister

Chairman of LMRA recieves the award from the Deputy Prime Minister

LMRA website was a winner of Bahrain eContent Award 09 in eGovernment category.

This award is the third in the history of the 2 years old website of LMRA, the first WSA award of excellence 2007 in Italy – Venice and the second was the award of the best econtent award held by Bahrain eGov Authority in 2008.