LMRA seeks cooperation with Nepal’s Ministry of labour


LMRA chief Executive Mr. Ausamah Bin Abdulla Alabsi received an official delegation from the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on Tuesday 24th of June, 2014. The delegation included Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour of Nepal Mr. Surya Prasad Shrestha, senior officials from the Nepalese Ministry of Labour and accompanied by Nepalese Consul to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Continue reading

Issuing Domestic Employees Work Permits Through 10 Post Offices


In preparation for the transition of the issuance of work permits for domestic workers from Ministry of Labor to the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, LMRA CEO Ausamah bin Abdullah Alabsi announced the launch of new development project in the services licenses to bring domestic workers in cooperation with the Department of Postal in Ministry of Transportation. Continue reading

LMRA CEO Receives Turkish Ambassador


The Chief Executive Officer for the Labour Market Regulatory Authority Mr. Ausamah Bin Abdulla Al Absi received at his office last Monday 9th of June, 2014 the Turkish Ambassador to the Kingdom, Her Excellency Hatun Demerir.
Ambassador Hatun applauded the Bahrain Labour market system, noting the outstanding efforts made by the LMRA and the progressive system adopted by the LMRA to Regulate and stabilize the Labour Market while protecting the rights of workers and employers. Continue reading