“Labor Market” launches the flexible work permit, 2000 permits per month

The Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) launched the flexible work permit allowing illegal workers – who meet conditions – to work and reside in the Kingdom of Bahrain without a sponsor, in any non-professional job, full or part-time, and with more than one employer, for a renewable two year period. (2000) workers can benefit from the flexible permit each month. Continue reading

The “NIHR” opens an office branch in the “Expat Protection Center and Shelter”

The CEO of the Labor Market Regulatory Authority and Head of National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons Ausamah Abdulla Al Absi, announced reaching an agreement with the National Institute for Human Rights, permitting the later to open a branch office within the Expat Protection Center and Shelter, which is considered to be the first comprehensive center to provide preventative and guidance services for expatriate workers. Continue reading

LMRA: action against an employment agency on charges of trafficking in persons

The Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has taken a series of immediate deterrent measures against an employment agency after committing offenses classified as suspicion of trafficking in persons. Continue reading

Labour minister chairs LMRA meeting

Manama, Apr. 7 (BNA): The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) convened a board meeting which focused on its achievements over the past year. Labour and Social Development Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan chaired the session in the presence of LMRA Chief Executive Officer Ausamah-Al-Absi. Continue reading