Supporting Businesses in Bahrain: LMRA Introduces a 6-Month Work Permit Option for Expatriate Workers Already Residing in Bahrain

– Adds to the existing options of one- or two-year work permits.

– Provides business owners with trial options to benefit from the existing workforce in Bahrain.

– Enhances opportunities for success and growth while reducing operational costs for businesses.

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has announced the introduction of a 6-month work permit option specifically for expatriate workers already residing in the Kingdom of Bahrain and working in the commercial sector. This initiative aims to facilitate business operations and respond to market suggestions and needs, adding to the existing one- and two-year permit options.

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LMRA announces resumption of work permit issuance for employment from abroad

Manama, July 29 (BNA): Bahrain’s Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) today announced that it will start accepting requests for new work permits starting from August 9th, 2020, following its temporary suspension in March due to COVID-19 disruptions. Continue reading

New LMRA facility for businessmen

A NEW centre that will offer business owners key services at their doorstep is being launched by Bahrain’s labour watchdog.

The Distinguished Service Centre, to be officially inaugurated by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) today, will provide facilities to employers right at their workplace, without the need for them to visit LMRA headquarters in Sanabis or any other branch. Continue reading

Notification: Renewing Work Permits Before Expiration

Dear Clients,

LMRA calls on employers to benefit from the possibility of renewing the work permits within 6 months before the expiry date of the work permit, where they will not be allowed to renew the work permit of any foreign worker after three months of the expiration of the work permit issued starting from February 2016. Continue reading

LMRA allows under travel ban expats to obtain work permits


The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) announced today that it has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Justice regarding expats with a court-ordered Travel Ban, where they will be allowed to obtain a Work Permit, and subsequently legalize their presence in the Kingdom. Continue reading

LMRA processes 45,000 applications in 12 months


The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) said 45,000 new applications for work permits for domestic workers and their equivalents had been processed by the LMRA in the period from September 2014 to September 2015. Instantaneous processing of applications accomplishment has reached at 54%. Continue reading

Amnesty jobs joy for 16,000

Written by: Sandeep Singh Grewal
AROUND 16,000 illegal residents have found legitimate jobs in Bahrain since a six-month amnesty began on July 1, it has emerged. New figures were announced yesterday by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), which said most of those who legalised their stay were Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakistanis. Continue reading